September 3, 2020
Washington Extends Restrictions on In-Person Public Meetings Through October 1, 2020

The Governor and legislative leadership extended the restrictions on in-person meetings for public agencies through October 1, 2020.
Under the updated proclamation, public agencies subject to the Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) must continue to hold meetings remotely in compliance with the proclamation, or cancel or postpone their meetings until the prohibition is lifted and meetings can otherwise be held in compliance with the OPMA. Consistent with the prior extensions to the original proclamation, there is no limitation on what type of “action” may be taken at a meeting. There is an exception to the prohibition on in-person meetings for public agencies holding meetings in counties in Phase 3 of the Safe Start Washington Phased Reopening County-by-County Plan. Additional information about the restrictions on in-person meetings and how to hold a meeting remotely is available here.