May 22, 2018
Partner Nicholas Brown Appointed as Co-Chair to Judicial Selection Committee
Pacifica partner Nick Brown has been appointed by Washington State Senator Patty Murray to serve as co-chair of the Judicial Selection Committee for three vacancies on the federal bench in the Western District of Washington.
In 2015, the White House, working in conjunction with Senators Murray and Cantwell and Congressman Reichert, agreed to form a bipartisan Judicial Selection Committee to screen, interview, and recommend candidates to the two U.S. Senators. Following that selection process, five candidates were recommended by the Committee to be nominated, who remain submitted by the Senators.
In light of the change in administration, the White House and Senators Murray and Cantwell and Congressman Reichert, reinstituted the Committee process to consider additional candidates for nomination by the President. The Committee will make recommendations to the two U.S. Senators, who will make a final recommendation to the White House.
Mr. Brown previously served as General Counsel to Governor Jay Inslee, where he was responsible for managing the governor’s judicial appointment process.