Port, Transit, and Transportation Infrastructure Finance

Pacifica serves as bond counsel and disclosure counsel on a range of port, transit, and other transportation infrastructure financings. We have considerable experience with airport and dock and wharf bonds, special facility bonds, passenger facility charge bonds, lease revenue bonds (including lease-leaseback arrangements), certificates of participation, and equipment financings.

Our attorneys have worked on hundreds of revenue financings. We have substantial experience with the nuances of revenue financings, including rate covenants, coverage ratios, parity obligations, limitations on liens and encumbrances, parity payment agreements, reimbursement obligations, output contracts, contract resource obligations, and springing covenants.

Advising Transit and Transit Development Project Clients on a Broad Range of Financing Opportunities

We are well versed in the financing tools available to public transit providers. We have advised transit clients on a broad range of financings involving general obligation bonds paid with a pledge of local sales and use tax revenues, financings involving revenue bonds paid from net operating revenues, seller financing of real property acquisitions, lines of credit, bus and other lease financings, and other bond financings. We also work with transportation benefit districts, including districts imposing sales taxes and vehicle license fees, and we have served as bond counsel on financings with pledged vehicle fees and sales taxes.

Federal Funding and Financing Tools

Pacifica serves as bond counsel in connection with financings through federal programs, including TIFIA and WIFIA.  We also advise clients on federal tools available for disaster relief (including CARES funding for the costs of responding to the COVID-19 pandemic) and financing tools for federal stimulus programs (including Build America Bonds and other ARRA tools). We actively monitor federal program development and engage with federal legislative efforts in connection with new financing tools for recovery so that we can advise clients of the latest financing programs that may be available.

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