February 22, 2019
Researcher’s Notebook: Law firms join KIND to fight for juvenile justice
From the Puget Sound Business Journal, 2/22/19
Reporter Deena Zaidi writes about the 18 Puget Sound law firms, including Pacifica Law Group, that provide pro bono legal services to KIND (Kids in Need of Defense), a nonprofit co-founded by Microsoft president Brad Smith and actress Angelina Jolie that provides legal assistance to unrepresented children who have fled from dangerous situations.
Pacifica lawyer Claire McNamara has worked on a KIND pro bono legal team presenting an unaccompanied minor from El Salvador. The juvenile fled due to gang violence in her community and the attorneys helped her navigate local family and immigration courts and apply for special immigrant juvenile status with the hope of being allowed to stay in the U.S. and eventually seek lawful permanent residency.