September 11, 2024
Pacifica’s Carlos Chavez to Speak about Dispute Resolution at 2024 Pacific Northwest Institute on Special Education and the Law
Pacifica Partner Carlos Chavez will give a presentation about dispute resolution under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) at the 41st Pacific Northwest Institute on Special Education and the Law, a conference hosted by the University of Washington that will take place September 16-18.
Carlos is an experienced special education defense attorney who represents school districts across Washington State in special education matters, including counseling, advice, and all phases of dispute resolution. He is a member of Pacifica’s School Districts Practice Group, which supports Washington school district clients with the full spectrum of legal needs related to the operation of public schools.
In his talk at the Pacific Northwest Institute, Carlos will provide an overview of the formal and informal alternative dispute resolution mechanisms available to parents and school districts under the IDEA, and will discuss practical issues to consider when engaging in alternative dispute resolution, including confidentiality, preparatory strategies, and building durable resolutions.
The Pacific Northwest Institute on Special Education and the Law brings together recognized experts and practitioners to educate conference attendees on current issues in special education. The conference audience includes educators, special education administrators and advocacy groups, attorneys, administrative law judges and others who work in special education administration and school law.
The schedule and details for Carlos’s presentation are as follows:
Dispute Resolution under the IDEA: Considerations on Compromise
Wednesday, September 18
Follow this link to learn more about the conference.